
Going for Gold


Brooke and I go way back. We have been friends for nearly 15 years and she still surprises and inspires me to this day. In high school we were in so many activities together, basketball, band, plays, and one year of golf which we both laugh about because of how epically bad we both were. With all that time together you would think that she wouldn’t be able to shock me, and cause me to question if I even knew who the real Brooke was. Boy was I wrong! Here rolls up Brooke to our photo shoot this week driving a manual stick shift. Like what!!!! No one drives manuals anymore, that is so rare, but so is Brooke so I guess it makes sense. And to be fair I wasn’t shocked that she knew how to drive a manual. I could totally see her dad making her learn how to drive one because Davin is a boss and so are his kids. But I never expected her to drive one by choice because she likes it, but thats Brooke for you. Don’t put her in a box because she will bust out of it.



Going for Gold for Jeff…

Speaking of not doubting Brooke can do anything she sets her mind to and living your best life like her. She is still active in theatre, plays in bands and has won so many gold medals in the Leap sports program she isn’t even sure how many she has. As for one of her motivations that keeps her pressing on for greatness is a promise that she made to an old basketball coach, Jeff. Jeff was a great man. He was kind, made people feel special, he was generous, full of fun and always wanted everyone to do their best. Sadly, Jeff died to young from cancer but before he died, he made her promise that in every sport she participated in with Leap that she would, at some time, win a gold. That’s a promise that she has diligently kept and plans to continue to keep for him. That is also why she will never participate in golf with Leap, only for fun, not competition.



I would love to write more but Brooke tells her own stories better that anyone else. Next time you see her around be sure to say hi, ask her if she is in any upcoming plays, and ask her how she felt about being placed on an all boys basketball team. I really wanted to tell this story too, but I can’t do it justice like Brooke can.

Thanks for stopping by! If you would like to set up your own portrait photo shoot send me an email! I would love to tell your story!

Until next time,


P.S. Come on by next week for the next addition to my studio journal.

Laura Wagner