Andrew & Megan
& homemade banana cream pie!
Honestly, I don’t even know where to start with this homemade masterpiece of a day otherwise known as, the day that Andrew and Megan got married. Words, won’t really do the day justice, not even poetry because somethings have to be experienced to be understood and anything other than that, is gilding the lily. So I’m going to keep this short sweet and simple and pray that my photography gives you a glimpse of this wedding day that I will describe as, calm, peaceful, fun and full of love.
It started out with Megan making a homemade banana cream pie! Thats right, the morning of her wedding Megan was cooking in the kitchen. You might ask, why did Megan make a pie the morning of her wedding day? Because the couple had decided to have homemade pie, made by their families, instead of wedding cake at their reception. Banana cream pie happens to both be Andrew and Megan’s favorite and as Megan told me herself, “It really is best when you make it fresh, it shouldn’t sit overnight.” So that’s just what she did!
After an emotional first look with the father of the bride, and a hilarious “first look” with the best man dressed up in a wedding dress, I got to steal the bride and the groom away for a little private photo shoot.
The ceremony was beautiful and from the heart, afterwards there were many hugs from friends and family, bubbles, drinking in kilts, homegrown popcorn for everyone to take home from the groom, dancing, drinking not in kilts, laughing, kissing, a fireworks show, and homemade pie! That’s not even everything, but I’m not here to write a book. I sincerely hope that everyone can experience being surrounded by that much love and laughter many times throughout their life. Thank you Megan and Andrew for letting me be a part of your wedding day! It was full of love and more beautiful than what I can accurately describe.
Some more of my favorite memories from the day.
In case you were wondering my favorite pie is, it is a double crusted blueberry, warmed for 45 seconds in the microwave, a la mode.
What’s your favorite kind? Share the joy and answer in the facebook comments with this post!